
Neuro-immune crosstalk in allergic asthma

Exactly how asthma begins and progresses remain a mystery, but a team led by researchers at Brigham and Women's Hospital and the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard has uncovered a fundamental molecular cue that the nervous ...

Oncology & Cancer

'Labyrinth' chip could help monitor aggressive cancer stem cells

Inspired by the Labyrinth of Greek mythology, a new chip etched with fluid channels sends blood samples through a hydrodynamic maze to separate out rare circulating cancer cells into a relatively clean stream for analysis. ...


Production of key diabetes cells can be improved

Beta cells release insulin in your blood, but when you suffer from Type 1 diabetes, you hardly have any of them left in your body. This is because the immune system attacks the beta cells.


New kinds of brain cells revealed

Under a microscope, it can be hard to tell the difference between any two neurons, the brain cells that store and process information. So scientists have turned to molecular methods to try to identify groups of neurons with ...


Mapping the brain, neuron by neuron

A Johns Hopkins University mathematician and computer scientist joined an international team of neuroscientists to create a complete map of the learning and memory center of the fruit fly larva brain, an early step toward ...


Illuminating neural pathways in the living brain

Using light alone, scientists from the Max Planck Institute of Neurobiology in Martinsried are now able to reveal pairs or chains of functionally connected neurons under the microscope. The new optogenetic method, named Optobow, ...

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