
The wiring of fly brains—mapping cell-to-cell connections

Biologists at Caltech have developed a new system for visualizing connections between individual cells in fly brains. The finding may ultimately lead to "wiring diagrams" of fly and other animal brains, which would help researchers ...

Parkinson's & Movement disorders

Midbrain study gives boost to Parkinson's research

Two research teams at Karolinska Institutet have identified the dopamine-producing cells in the midbrain of mice and humans. They have also developed a method of assessing the quality of in-vitro cultured dopamine-producing ...

Medical research

Bone marrow inflammation predicts leukemia risk

Cancer is generally thought to arise from genetic damage within individual cells, but recent evidence has suggested that abnormal signaling in the surrounding tissue also plays an important role. In a study published September ...


Unique molecular atlas of pancreas produced

Researchers at Karolinska Institutet have managed to produce the first molecular map of the genes that are active in the various cells of the human pancreas. They have also revealed differences in genetic activity between ...

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