
Studying memory's 'ripples'

Caltech neuroscientists have looked inside brain cells as they undergo the intense bursts of neural activity known as "ripples" that are thought to underlie memory formation.


New fundamental knowledge of the 'abdominal brain'

Researchers at Karolinska Institutet have succeeded in mapping the neuron types comprising the enteric nervous system in the intestine of mice. The study, which is published today in the scientific journal Nature Neuroscience, ...


Brain study sheds light on how new memories are formed

In the first study of its kind, UCLA and United Kingdom researchers found that neurons in a specific brain region play a key role in rapidly forming memories about every day events, a finding that may result in a better understanding ...


Why monkeys choose to drink alone

Why do some people almost always drop $10 in the Salvation Army bucket and others routinely walk by? One answer may be found in an intricate and rhythmic neuronal dance between two specific brain regions, finds a new Yale ...

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