
Controlling individual neurons with your brain

(Medical Xpress)—In many ways humans are universal machines. We can generate an answer to any question asked of us or move our body into any configuration our joints permit. We can do this near-instantaneously, and with ...


How to reprogram memory cells in the brain

Long-term memory of specific places is stored in the brain in so-called place cells. A team of neuroscientists headed by Dr. Andrea Burgalossi of the University of Tübingen's Werner Reichardt Centre for Integrative Neuroscience ...


The brain clock that keeps memories ticking

Just as members of an orchestra need a conductor to stay on tempo, neurons in the brain need well-timed waves of activity to organize memories across time. In the hippocampus—the brain's memory center—temporal ordering ...


Activity in dendrites is critical in memory formation

Why do we remember some things and not others? In a unique imaging study, two Northwestern University researchers have discovered how neurons in the brain might allow some experiences to be remembered while others are forgotten. ...


How neurons use crowdsourcing to make decisions

How do we make decisions? Or rather, how do our neurons make decisions for us? Do individual neurons have a strong say or is the voice in the neural collective?

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