Medical research

Timing of stress-hormone pulses controls weight gain, study finds

New research provides the first molecular understanding of why people gain weight due to chronic stress, disrupted circadian rhythms and treatment with glucocorticoid drugs: It's all in the timing of the dips and rises of ...


Retraining the brain's vision center to take action

Neuroscientists have demonstrated the astounding flexibility of the brain by training neurons that normally process input from the eyes to develop new skills, in this case, to control a computer-generated tone.

Autism spectrum disorders

Scientists link genes to brain anatomy in autism

A team of scientists at the University of Cambridge has discovered that specific genes are linked to individual differences in brain anatomy in autistic children.


Neurons get the beat and keep it going in drumrolls

A neuron firing deep in the brain might sound a little like: Drumroll...cymbal crash! Drumroll...cymbal crash! Repeat. With emphasis on "repeat," according to a new study.


Scientists discover stem cells that build a fly's nervous system

Scientists at Columbia's Zuckerman Institute have uncovered new insights into how stem cells transform into brain cells that control leg movements. The surprising details of this process, observed in the brains of fruit flies, ...


Novel genomic tools provide new insight into human immune system

When the body is under attack from pathogens, the immune system marshals a diverse collection of immune cells to work together in a tightly orchestrated process and defend the host against the intruders. For many decades, ...

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