
Shanghai families say kids poisoned by lead

(AP) -- Families living in one of Shanghai's many industrial suburbs say their children are suffering from lead poisoning from nearby factories and recycling facilities.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Crew schedules, sleep deprivation, and aviation performance

Night-time departures, early morning arrivals, and adjusting to several time zones in a matter of days can rattle circadian rhythms, compromise attention and challenge vigilance. And yet, these are the very conditions many ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

West Nile virus infections reported in Athens suburb

Five cases of West Nile virus have been reported since early July in a seaside suburb of Athens, the Greek centre for disease control and prevention (Keelpno) said Friday.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Pandemic has put long-haul pilots in a stressful tailspin

Stress levels among commercial airline pilots have skyrocketed during the COVID-19 pandemic, putting their mental health at risk, according to a new study by the University of South Australia.