
Researchers develop database on healthy immune system

An extensive database identifying immune traits, such as how immune cell function is regulated at the genetic level in healthy people, is reported by researchers from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and their collaborators ...


Limited evidence supporting herbal meds in GI disorders

(HealthDay)—Limited evidence supports use of herbal remedies in gastrointestinal disorders, and the lack of quality control must be considered, according to research published in the March issue of Clinical Gastroenterology ...


Feijoa and blackberry help reduce inflammation

Feijoa and blackberry are two fruits with a strong anti-inflammatory effect that could help people with inflammatory diseases, according to recent research from the University of Auckland.

Autism spectrum disorders

Study links GI symptoms and autism in children

(Medical Xpress)—Five-year-old Veer Patel was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in October 2010. Typical of children "on the spectrum," he manages best with a rigid, unchanging daily routine. Unfortunately, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Depression tied to Crohn's disease flare-ups

(HealthDay)—Depression may increase the risk of Crohn's disease flare-ups in people with the inflammatory bowel disorder, an early new study suggests.

Medical research

Target for new Rx class for inflammatory disorders discovered

Research led by Charles Nichols, PhD, Associate Professor of Pharmacology at LSU Health Sciences Center New Orleans, describes a powerful new anti-inflammatory mechanism that could lead to the development of new oral medications ...

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