
The lesser-known risk factors for heart disease

Most people know that the risk factors for heart disease are high blood pressure, smoking, raised cholesterol and being overweight. However, many people who have a heart attack do not have any of these traditional risk factors.


New study gives clues on why exercise helps with inflammation

Researchers have long known that moderate exercise has a beneficial impact on the body's response to inflammation, but what's been less understood is why. New research coming out of York University done on a mouse model suggests ...


Novel approach could redefine allergy treatment

For years, research and therapies for allergic asthma have been focused largely on targeting the inflammatory cytokines in the body that react to allergens and cause overproduction of mucus, wheezing and difficulty breathing. ...


Immune cell movement worse in older females, mice study finds

According to a new study, older female mice had more immune cells entering areas of the body where they should not have, demonstrating that sex differences contribute to age-related inflammation, which should be considered ...


How the immune system becomes overactivated in old age

The lack of a key signaling molecule in certain immune cells can induce various age-related diseases in young mice, RIKEN researchers have shown. This finding eventually could help to develop new treatments for age-related ...

Biomedical technology

PAINTing a wound-healing ink into cuts with a 3D-printing pen

The body is pretty good at healing itself, though more severe wounds can require bandages or stitches. But researchers publishing in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces have developed a wound-healing ink that can actively ...

Inflammatory disorders

Study may explain why high-sugar diets can worsen IBD

Excess sugar hampers cells that renew the colon's lining in a mouse model of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), according to a new study by University of Pittsburgh scientists.

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