
How the immune system becomes overactivated in old age

The lack of a key signaling molecule in certain immune cells can induce various age-related diseases in young mice, RIKEN researchers have shown. This finding eventually could help to develop new treatments for age-related ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Study starts to unravel stigma around chronic fatigue syndrome

A study has thrown crucial new light on the relationship between the mental and physical health of people who suffer from three stigmatizing disorders whose symptoms are not medically explained, including chronic fatigue ...


Improving antibiotic therapy decisions in newborns

Two landmark studies from an international research team have shed new light on antibiotic overuse in newborns, emphasizing the need for better practices and interventions to minimize potential harm to babies' developing ...

Medical research

Learning from bats to fight inflammation in humans

By studying the unusual ability of bats to host viruses without significant illness, scientists at Duke-NUS Medical School have discovered a protein that could unlock new strategies for fighting inflammatory diseases in humans.


Researchers map the immunology of the gut in children with IBD

Researchers from Karolinska Institutet and Sachs' Children and Youth Hospital have mapped the immune system in the gut of children with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). The results, which were published in Cell Reports Medicine, ...

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