
Visual neurons don't work the way scientists thought, study finds

A new survey of the activity of nearly 60,000 neurons in the mouse visual system reveals how far we have to go to understand how the brain computes. Published today in the international journal Nature Neuroscience, the analysis ...


Which mask is best for speaking?

To assess how different styles of face masks affected speech intelligibility in normal hearing listeners, researchers from Washington University in St. Louis put some of the most popular mask designs to the test.


How attention helps you remember

A new study from MIT neuroscientists sheds light on a neural circuit that makes us likelier to remember what we're seeing when our brains are in a more attentive state.


Shedding light on how the human eye perceives brightness

Japanese scientists are shedding new light on the importance of light-sensing cells in the retina that process visual information. The researchers isolated the functions of melanopsin cells and demonstrated their crucial ...

Health informatics

What happens if your medical records are incomplete?

Your entire medical journey lives in digital health records, but how do you know if those records are wrong, incomplete or missing important information? That's the focus of research done by Varadraj Gurupur, associate professor ...

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