
Research pinpoints sources of atrial fibrillation

People who suffer from persistent atrial fibrillation in the heart may find relief from a new treatment approach discovered by researchers at The Ohio State University Davis Heart and Lung Research Institute.


Restoring vision by gene therapy

Humans rely dominantly on their eyesight. Losing vision means inability to read, recognize faces or find objects. Macular degeneration is one of the major causes of visual impairment around the globe; close to 200 million ...

Medical research

Opioid alternative? Taming tetrodotoxin for precise painkilling

Opioids remain a mainstay of treatment for chronic and surgical pain, despite their side effects and risk for addiction and overdose. While conventional local anesthetics block pain very effectively, they wear off quickly ...

Oncology & Cancer

Pill for breast cancer diagnosis may outperform mammograms

As many as one in three women treated for breast cancer undergo unnecessary procedures, but a new method for diagnosing it could do a better job distinguishing between benign and aggressive tumors.


A pocket-sized retina camera, no dilating required

It's the part of the eye exam everyone hates: the pupil-dilating eye drops. The drops work by opening the pupil and preventing the iris from constricting in response to light and are often used for routine examination and ...

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