
Scientists find molecular 'switch' for allergic asthma treatment

A team of Russian scientists has identified the role of the interleukin-6 molecule in the development of allergic asthma. It may comprise a new target for the treatment of this disease. The results are published in Frontiers ...

Medical research

Using light to stop itch

Itch is easily one of the most annoying sensations. For chronic skin diseases like eczema, it's a major symptom. Although it gives temporary relief, scratching only makes things worse because it can cause skin damage, additional ...

Oncology & Cancer

Looking for ways to measure tumour aggression

Researchers at University Putra Malaysia found a relationship between some markers of inflammation in the body and the aggressiveness of certain malignant tumours.


How a nutrient, glutamine, can control gene programs in cells

The 200 different types of cells in the body all start with the same DNA genome. To differentiate into families of bone cells, muscle cells, blood cells, neurons and the rest, differing gene programs have to be turned on ...


Scientists override the body's inflammatory response

Scientists who have discovered the mechanism of a protein that suppresses inflammation in the body, say the information could potentially be used to develop new drugs to control inflammation.

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