Psychology & Psychiatry

Compulsive internet use by teens linked to emotional issues

A new study has found internet addiction in teenagers leads to difficulty regulating emotions. However there was no evidence that pre-existing emotional issues are a predictor of obsessive internet use.

Psychology & Psychiatry

New framework could help online addicts reduce their usage

Research has shown that internet addicts do not always feel guilty about their usage, and in many cases, they do not even perceive their usage as problematic. A new model developed by researchers at Binghamton University, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Internet addiction and quality of life: The role of neuroticism

Quality of life is an ancient concept dating back to at least Aristotle, although the philosopher equated a good life or doing tasks well with happiness, rather than what we refer to today as quality of life. There is much ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Video game addiction needs standard definition

(Medical Xpress)—Researchers at the University of Adelaide say treatment for people affected by video game "addiction" would be improved if a standard definition of the problem were adopted by psychologists.

Psychology & Psychiatry

People with Internet addiction react the worst when WiFi fails

Do you get frustrated and angry when your WiFi connection stops working? It could be because of your personality. When digital technology stops working, people with a fear of missing out (FOMO)—the anxiety that you're missing ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Is it possible to have Internet addiction?

Is there really such a disorder as "Internet addiction"? In my estimation, the short, honest answer is, "We don't know enough to say for sure." Part of the problem is the ambiguity in—and disagreement over—the terms "addicted" ...

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