Medical research

In late post-surgical colon 'leaks,' finger points to microbes

Post-surgical leaks that develop after a segment of the colon has been removed and stitched back together often are caused not by negligence or technical error but by bacteria in the bowel that elude antibiotics, according ...

Medical research

Gut microbes at root of severe malnutrition in kids

A study of young twins in Malawi, in sub-Saharan Africa, finds that bacteria living in the intestine are an underlying cause of a form of severe acute childhood malnutrition.


Study: Toys, books, cribs can harbor bacteria for long periods

(Medical Xpress)—Numerous scientific studies have concluded that two common bacteria that cause colds, ear infections, strep throat and more serious infections cannot live for long outside the human body. So conventional ...


Researchers document impact of coffee on bowels

Coffee drinkers know that coffee helps keep the bowels moving, but researchers in Texas are trying to find out exactly why this is true, and it doesn't seem to be about the caffeine, according to a study presented at Digestive ...


How the immune system keeps the intestinal flora in balance

The bacteria living in the intestine consist of some 500 to 1000 different species. They make up what is known as the intestinal flora, which plays a key role in digestion and prevents infections. Unlike pathogens that invade ...

Medical research

Gut model HuMiX works like the real thing

One of the most complex human organs is the digestive tract: Here, the body comes into contact with all manner of diet-derived compounds and with countless bacteria. Scientists from the Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine ...


Gut bacteria: It can be good, and bad, for health

The human microbiome—the trillions of tiny bacteria that live in and on our bodies—is emerging as an increasingly important player in health and wellness. But, our co-existence with these organisms is complex, and scientists ...

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