
Adhesion protein optimizes border

The epithelial cells that line the intestines build a specialized cell surface—the "brush border"—that processes and absorbs nutrients, and defends against pathogens. The brush border consists of thousands of finger-like ...

Oncology & Cancer

How the immune system protects us against bowel cancer

Researchers at Universitätsmedizin Berlin have discovered a protective mechanism which is used by the body to protect intestinal stem cells from turning cancerous. The body's innate immune system was found to play a pivotal ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Going viral: New cells for norovirus production in the lab

An Osaka University-led research team has developed a system for simply and efficiently producing human norovirus. By coaxing human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) to develop into a type of cell that usually lines ...

Medical research

Does dietary restriction protect against age-related leaky gut?

Flies eating a Spartan diet are protected from leaky gut and the systemic inflammation associated with it as they age. Conversely, flies on a rich Atkins-like diet are more prone to developing intestinal permeability, a condition ...


Is there a risk to human health from microplastics?

The Austrian Federal Environment Agency and the Medical University of Vienna have presented the first preliminary results of a pilot study on microplastics (microplastic particles) in humans. They have detected microplastic ...

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