Medical research

Using intestinal organoids to study salmonella

One of the main causes of food poisoning is Salmonella enterica. This bacterium infects cells in the intestinal epithelium that lines our gut, leading to painful stomach cramps, diarrhoea and fever. One major difficulty in ...

Medical research

Your gut development during infancy can have lifelong implications

The suckling period (infancy) in mice is critical for epigenetic changes (changes that affect the way genes are expressed) in the development of stem cells in the intestine, potentially affecting intestinal health for life. ...


'Normal' bacteria vital for keeping intestinal lining intact

Scientists at Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University have found that bacteria that aid in digestion help keep the intestinal lining intact. The findings, reported online in the journal Immunity, could yield ...


High-fat diet impairs satiation signaling in obese-prone

(HealthDay)—Feeding obese-prone rats a high-fat diet leads to impaired satiation signaling through glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), a gastrointestinal hormone that suppresses food intake and helps regulate energy balance, ...

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