
Moveable magnets used to forge gastric bypass in pigs

(HealthDay) -- In a scenario reminiscent of the film Fantastic Voyage, researchers have found a way to perform nearly surgery-free gastric bypass procedures in pigs using only a local anesthetic.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Goats' milk with antimicrobial lysozyme speeds recovery from diarrhea

Milk from goats that were genetically modified to produce higher levels of a human antimicrobial protein has proved effective in treating diarrhea in young pigs, demonstrating the potential for food products from transgenic ...

Medical research

Blast exposure linked to intestinal problems

A study by New York and Rocky Mountain U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs researchers showed blast exposure can cause intestinal permeability, a condition that can lead to gut bacteria entering the bloodstream and causing ...


FDA expands approval of Bayer cancer drug (Update)

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Monday expanded approval of a Bayer cancer pill to treat tumors of the intestinal tract that do not respond to other treatments.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

How worried should you be about new reports on polio?

Poliovirus detected in New York City wastewater last week put public health officials on high alert, as it indicates the potentially paralyzing virus is circulating widely in the area.

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