Psychology & Psychiatry

Breastfeeding can erase effects of prenatal violence for newborns

How infants adjust in their first months of life depends on many factors, including what their mothers experienced while they are in utero. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 1 in 4 women in ...

Radiology & Imaging

Radiologists can help identify victims of domestic violence

Radiologists may play a crucial role in identifying signs of intimate partner violence, a type of domestic violence, according to a study published in the journal Radiology. Radiologists can identify potential violence-related ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

When measuring resilience, the type of trauma suffered matters

In previous studies of resilience in people, researchers have rarely differentiated in their analysis between the types of traumatic events experienced by individuals. However, the type of trauma undergone seems to be a significant ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Family, school support makes kids more likely to stand up to bullying

A recent study from North Carolina State University and the University of South Carolina finds that young people with good family relationships are more likely to intervene when they witness bullying or other aggressive behavior ...

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