
Gene that causes atrial fibrillation discovered

Genetic studies spanning three generations of a Persian Jewish family by researchers at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU) have identified a gene that causes nighttime atrial fibrillation (AFib).

Medical research

How light triggers brain activity

Optogenetics uses light to control brain processes. It is based on light-controlled proteins such as channelrhodopsin-2, an ion channel that opens when it's exposed to light, thus activating cellular processes. In collaboration ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Discovery of novel mechanisms that cause migraines

Researchers at CNRS, Université Côte d'Azur and Inserm have demonstrated a new mechanism related to the onset of migraine. They found how a mutation that causes dysfunction in a protein which inhibits neuronal electrical ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

New biomarker for Alzheimer's disease found via CRISPR technique

The objective of the research, undertaken in the laboratories of the IBPM, is to develop a model for studying Alzheimer's disease (AD) of sporadic origin—in other words, AD that is not due to a hereditary genetic mutation. ...

Medical research

New research sheds light 'gender gap' in cystic fibrosis

A minor hiccup in the sequence of a human gene can have devastating impacts on health. Such flaws cause cystic fibrosis (CF), a disease affecting the lungs and other vital organs, often leading to death by the age of 30.

Medical research

Hunting the ion channel

The electrical impulse that powers the workings of the brain and the heart begins with charged particles passing through cellular structures known as ion channels. Using the same technique used to decode the structure of ...

Medical research

Researchers uncover a new role of 'moonlighting' proteins

Although known to regulate fundamental cellular processes in humans, including cell growth, division and programmed cell death, the protein group known as chloride intracellular channel (CLIC) proteins is yet to be fully ...

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