
Uric acid linked to later risk for irregular heart rhythm

High levels of uric acid in midlife may significantly raise the risk for a serious type of irregular heartbeat in the decades that follow, even in people without traditional risk factors, new research shows.


Blow to chest may trigger potentially dangerous heart rhythm

A hard hit to the chest can cause an irregular heartbeatĀ that may lead to death even days after the impact, according to an upcoming article in the journal Pediatrics, based on a case involving a 16-year-old Hawai`i football ...


Easy-to-use blood thinners likely to replace Coumadin

Within a few years, a new generation of easy-to-use blood-thinning drugs will likely replace Coumadin for patients with irregular heartbeats who are at risk for stroke, according to a journal article by Loyola University ...


Heart attack on a chip shows how heart changes after the event

Researchers at the University of Southern California Alfred E. Mann Department of Biomedical Engineering have developed a "heart attack on a chip," a device that could one day serve as a testbed to develop new heart drugs ...


Self-powered 'pacemaker for life' in pigs unveiled

Scientists on Tuesday unveiled a battery-free pacemaker that generates its energy from the heartbeats of pigs in what could pave the way for an "implant for life" in humans suffering from heart defects.

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