Medical research

'Living drug factories' might treat diabetes and other diseases

One promising way to treat diabetes is with transplanted islet cells that produce insulin when blood sugar levels get too low. However, patients who receive such transplants must take drugs to prevent their immune systems ...


Post-transplant diabetes may be reversible

Post-transplantation diabetes mellitus (PTDM), a common complication of immunosuppressive drugs that are given to prevent transplant rejection, may be reversible and at least partially preventable, researchers at Vanderbilt ...


Could resetting our internal clocks help control diabetes?

The circadian clock system (from the Latin "circa diem," about a day) allows organisms to anticipate periodic changes of geophysical time and to adjust to those changes. Nearly all cells comprise molecular clocks that regulate ...


Cell research offers diabetes treatment hope

A new cell treatment to enhance islet transplantation could help maintain healthy blood sugar levels in Type 1 diabetes without the need for multiple transplants of insulin producing cells or regular insulin injections, research ...


An out-of-the-box attack on diabetes

A protein newly identified as important in type 1 diabetes can delay onset of the disease in diabetic mice, providing a new target for prevention and treatment in people, according to research led by scientists at the U.S. ...


From cradle to grave: postnatal overnutrition linked to aging

Researchers at Baylor College of Medicine have found a new answer to an old question: how can overnutrition during infancy lead to long-lasting health problems such as diabetes? The report, published today in the journal ...


Promising approach: Prevent diabetes with intermittent fasting

Intermittent fasting is known to improve sensitivity to the blood glucose-lowering hormone insulin and to protect against fatty liver. DZD scientists from DIfE have now discovered that mice on an intermittent fasting regimen ...

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