
New study paints grim health picture for obese teens

(HealthDay)—Severely obese teens are at increased risk for a host of serious health problems as adults, including asthma, kidney disease and sleep disorders, according to a new study.


Rare eye disease leaves people without an iris

(HealthDay)—You may never have heard of aniridia, a genetic disorder that robs people of their vision. But researchers studying the condition say it could give insight into some common health problems—from cataracts and ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Researchers link facial structure to kidney disease

(Medical Xpress)—Researchers at King's College London's Dental Institute have shown that people with a certain kind of kidney disease have characteristic facial features that may reflect the genetic mutation they carry.


EU releases 144 mn euro for new rare disease research

The European Union on Thursday pledged 144 million euros of fresh funding for research on rare diseases that currently affect some 30 million Europeans, the majority of them children.


Facts on 'bute', pain drug found in horsemeat

Phenylbutazone, a painkiller for horses, can cause blood disorders in humans but at doses much higher than any one person is likely to ingest from eating horsemeat.


Kidney disease mutations found in a genomic blind spot

(Medical Xpress)—Advances in DNA sequencing technology during the past decade have given scientists powerful tools to peer into the genomes of humans and other species. Despite the efficiency and sophistication of these ...

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