Medical research

Diabetes drug has unexpected, broad implications for healthy aging

Metformin is the most commonly prescribed type 2 diabetes drug, yet scientists still do not fully know how it works to control blood sugar levels. In a collaborative effort, researchers from the Salk Institute, The Scripps ...

Oncology & Cancer

New screening method identifies inhibitors of cancer cell metabolism

A new screening system developed by scientists at the UCLA Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center leverages redundancy in an important component of a cell—nucleotide metabolism—to help identify new drugs that specifically ...

Oncology & Cancer

Learning to stop cancer at its roots

Why do some cancers come back? Sometimes, a treatment can effectively eliminate cancer cells to undetectable levels, but, if the treatment stops, cancer may return. This is the case of chronic myeloid leukemia treated with ...


A kinase identified as possible target to treat heart failure

An unexplored kinase in heart muscle cells may be a good target to treat heart failure, a disease that is only incrementally delayed by existing therapies. Failing human hearts showed reduced amounts of this kinase, and preclinical ...

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