
Finding the body clock's molecular reset button

An international team of scientists has discovered what amounts to a molecular reset button for our internal body clock. Their findings reveal a potential target to treat a range of disorders, from sleep disturbances to other ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Newly discovered brain mechanism linked to anxiety, OCD

The pandemic and its aftermath have raised anxiety to new levels. But the roots of anxiety-related conditions, including obsessive-compulsive spectrum disorder (OCSD), are still unclear. In a new study, University of Utah ...


Researchers uncover a cellular process that leads to inflammation

Cedars-Sinai investigators have identified several steps in a cellular process responsible for triggering one of the body's important inflammatory responses. Their findings, published in the journal Science Immunology, open ...

Oncology & Cancer

Major step towards individual cancer immunotherapy

Medicine has great hopes for personalised cancer immunotherapy. The idea is to have a vaccine prompt the immune system to fight a tumour. Scientists at ETH Zurich have developed a method that allows them to determine which ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Study reveals fundamental changes in the omicron variant

The omicron variant of SARS-CoV-2 represents a step-change in the COVID-19 pandemic with record numbers of new daily infections being reported around the globe. However, quite why omicron is spreading so rapidly remains unknown.

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