Medical research

The role of lactate in boosting memory

(Medical Xpress)—EPFL researchers have decoded the mechanism by which a glucose derivative activates receptors involved in memorization.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Postpartum depression spans generations

A recently published study suggests that exposure to social stress not only impairs a mother's ability to care for her children but can also negatively impact her daughter's ability to provide maternal care to future offspring.

Oncology & Cancer

Sugar helps scientists find and assess prostate tumors

A natural form of sugar could offer a new, noninvasive way to precisely image tumors and potentially see whether cancer medication is effective, by means of a new imaging technology developed at UC San Francisco in collaboration ...

Medical research

Food contaminants worsen metabolic problems in obese mice

(Medical Xpress)—In order to get a better understanding of these effects, researchers from the Inserm cardiovascular, metabolism, diabetology and nutrition unit (U1060 " Laboratoire de recherche en cardiovasculaire, métabolisme, ...


Fast-acting mothers' milk for healthier babies

Human breastmilk responds quickly to protect the child when there is an infection in mothers or babies, according to new international research led by The University of Western Australia.

Medical research

Become a marathon runner with the protein PGC-1alpha

Even with a greater muscle mass, a sprinter cannot win a marathon. His specially-trained and strengthened muscles will fatigue faster than the endurance-trained muscles of a long distance runner. The research group of Prof. ...

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