Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Research team uses AI to predict risk of liver cancer

A team of UC Davis Health clinicians and data scientists has developed a machine-learning model to better predict which patients are at greater risk of developing a common type of liver cancer, hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC).

Psychology & Psychiatry

Using natural language processing to detect mental health crises

Mental health needs are on the rise. Today one in five Americans lives with a mental health condition, and suicide rates over the last two decades have increased by more than 30%. Organizations like the National Alliance ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Children's language development doesn't just happen through words

Children learn to understand language and to speak largely independently of cognitive functions like spatial awareness, working (short-term) memory and perception (interpreting and organizing sensory impressions), according ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Opinion: AI chatbots are still far from replacing human therapists

Imagine being stuck in traffic while running late to an important meeting at work. You feel your face overheating as your thoughts start to race along: "they're going to think I'm a horrible employee," "my boss never liked ...

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