Oncology & Cancer

People ignorant of cancers caused by smoking

(Medical Xpress) -- Cancer Research UK today reveals the shocking level of ignorance about smoking and cancer among the UK public in a comprehensive new survey of more than 4000 people.

Oncology & Cancer

Robotic surgery effective for removing hard-to-reach throat cancer

Robotic surgery has become a mainstream tool for removing an ever-increasing variety of head and neck tumors. Now, a team of head and neck surgeons from Mayo Clinic has found robotic surgery can treat cancer in the narrow, ...

Oncology & Cancer

Surgery beats chemotherapy for tongue cancer, study finds

Patients with tongue cancer who started their treatment with a course of chemotherapy fared significantly worse than patients who received surgery first, according to a new study from researchers at the University of Michigan ...

Oncology & Cancer

Light drinking may relate to increase in risk for certain cancers

The majority of observational studies have shown that alcohol intake, especially heavy drinking, increases a number of upper-aero-digestive tract (UADT) and other cancers, and even moderate drinking is associated with a slight ...

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