Medical research

Regulatory hurdles make HIV research less effective, experts say

A regulatory conundrum faces researchers trying to slow the spread of HIV among minors. Sometimes those researchers need consent from parents, a requirement that can leave some of the most endangered minors out of the picture.

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

The two obstacles that are holding back Alzheimer's research

Thirty years ago, scientists began to unlock the mysteries regarding the cause of Alzheimer's disease. This knowledge ushered in an era of great enthusiasm that scientists could develop new therapies to either prevent Alzheimer's ...


State gun laws may help curb violence across state lines

Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health researchers find that strong state firearm laws are associated with fewer firearm homicides—both within the state where the laws are enacted and across state lines. Conversely, ...


Naloxone access law in Pennsylvania falls short

A new study from researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago finds that only one-third of pharmacies in Philadelphia carry naloxone nasal spray, a medication used to rapidly counter the effects of opioid overdose, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

What are the links between violence and mental illness?

When there is news of a violent attack, we sometimes hear that it could be related to mental illness—which may make us ask whether the violence could have been predicted or prevented. Current research and perspectives on ...

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