Psychology & Psychiatry

Unexpectedly big wins improve two kinds of memory

Researchers have discovered that instances in which outcomes are better than expected—finding an unexpectedly good parking spot, for example, or spotting a $20 bill on the sidewalk—improves memories of specific events. ...


Practice makes perfect, and 'overlearning' locks it in

Want to learn something and then quickly make that mastery stick? A new Brown University study in which people learned visual perception tasks suggests that you should keep practicing for a little while even after you think ...


Deep neural networks show promise as models of human hearing

Computational models that mimic the structure and function of the human auditory system could help researchers design better hearing aids, cochlear implants, and brain-machine interfaces. A new study from MIT has found that ...


Brain games reveal clues about how the mind works

Scientists are using supercomputers and data from the game Ebb and Flow to train deep learning models that mimic the human behavior of "task-switching," shifting attention from one task to another.

Medical research

Brain stimulation improves motor skill learning at older age

Even though we don't think about it, every movement we make in our daily life essentially consists of a sequence of smaller actions in a specific order. The only time we realize this is when we have to learn a new motor skill, ...

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