Oncology & Cancer

Gene linked to pancreatic cancer growth, study finds

A mutant protein found in nearly all pancreatic cancers plays a role not only in the cancer's development but in its continued growth, according to a new study from University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center researchers. ...

Oncology & Cancer

Mutant gut bacteria reverse colon cancer in lab models

(Medical Xpress) -- A mutant form of a meek microbe deals a gutsy blow to colon cancer, University of Florida scientists have discovered. The special bacteria halted abnormal inflammation, reduced precancerous growths and ...

Oncology & Cancer

Dermatologists detect the world's smallest skin cancer

A tiny spot on Christy Staats's cheek measured just 0.65 millimeters—or 0.025 inches—and was almost invisible to the human eye. But with help from state-of-the-art non-invasive technology, an OHSU dermatologist and a ...

Oncology & Cancer

Using computers to aid melanoma detection

The deadliest skin cancer is melanoma, which will be responsible for over 9,000 deaths in the United States in 2017. Melanoma is unique among cancers in that it arises as a visible and identifiable mark on the surface of ...

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