
Study documents high incidence of Pica in Madagascar

(Medical Xpress)—Pica—craving and intentionally consuming nonfood substances, such as earth—and amylophagy, eating raw starches—are widespread among people around the world, including the U.S. Some 180 species of ...


Is online fitness training right for you?

(HealthDay)—You say that you can't get to the gym or afford to hire your own personal trainer, but you want a routine made just for you. It might not be mission impossible after all.


Diabetes: Computer based interventions provide limited support

Self-management interventions delivered by computer and mobile phone currently provide limited benefits for people with diabetes, according to a systematic review published in The Cochrane Library. Although computer and mobile ...


Only half of patients take their medications as prescribed

The cost of patients not taking their medications as prescribed can be substantial in terms of their health. Although a large amount of research evidence has tried to address this problem, there are no well-established approaches ...

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