Psychology & Psychiatry

Switching on the mommy gene

Although a doting mom cuddling and caressing her infant may not seem to have much in common with a rat mother, she does. Not only are there striking similarities between the brain and hormonal systems of rats and humans that ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Research links childhood trauma to schizophrenia

Researchers at the University of Liverpool have found that children who have experienced severe trauma are three times as likely to develop schizophrenia in later life.


Dignity counts when caring for older people

Older people feel that their health problems pose a challenge to their sense of independence, dignity and identity and sometimes the health care they are given makes things worse.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Are you a happy shopper? Research website helps you find out

Psychologists have found that buying life experiences makes people happier than buying possessions, but who spends more of their spare cash on experiences? New findings published this week in the Journal of Positive Psychology ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

We are what we experience: study

the ups and downs, and everything in between -- shape us, stay with us and influence our emotional set point as adults, according to a new study led by Virginia Commonwealth University researchers.

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