Psychology & Psychiatry

Watching movies could be good for your mental health

Many of us enjoy sitting down to watch a good film because of the way movies can make us feel. A sad film might help us release our emotions or a comedy might lift our mood. Movies can also offer a chance to connect with ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Text messaging: The next gen of therapy in mental health

In the U.S., it is estimated that approximately 19 percent of all adults have a diagnosable mental illness. Clinic-based services for mental health may fall short of meeting patient needs for many reasons including limited ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Early parent-child conflicts predict trouble charting life path

Children who have more conflict in relationships with their mothers during early years of elementary school may find it more difficult to find a sense of purpose in life as they reach adulthood, suggests new research from ...


Prenatal pollution linked to lower cognitive scores in infants

Toddlers whose moms were exposed to higher levels of air pollution during mid- to late-pregnancy tend to score lower on measures of cognition, motor coordination and language skills, according to new University of Colorado ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Setting healthy boundaries with your teen

Ah, the teenage years. A time when your teen is looking to plant their flag of independence—and that's healthy. But there are times when your teen will see how far they can push boundaries, making you feel lost about how ...


Regaining sense of touch after stroke

Developed by researchers at La Trobe University in Melbourne, SENSe therapy (Study of the Effectiveness of Neurorehabilitation on Sensation) has already helped hundreds of survivors of stroke improve their ability to undertake ...


Surgery on toy animals lessens anxiety of veterinary students

Training basic surgical techniques on toy animals before having to perform operations on living animals makes veterinary students much less anxious. At the same time, the use of laboratory animals is minimised. This is documented ...

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