Psychology & Psychiatry

Older people offer resources that children need

When older adults contribute to the well-being of youth, it cultivates a sense of purpose and extends benefits both ways, according to a new Stanford report.


Determining motor deficits more precisely following a stroke

After a stroke, many people are unable to successfully perform basic hand movements in everyday life. The reason are symptoms of hemiparesis resulting from damage to the brain. These very frequently affect fine motor skills. ...


Stimulation glove for stroke patients

A team headed by PD Dr Hubert Dinse and Prof Dr Martin Tegenthoff has successfully treated a number of patients suffering from stroke-related impairments. Their report has been published in RUBIN, the Ruhr-Universität's ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

How kids benefit from doing chores

(HealthDay)—Chores. Whether you're an adult or a child, the very word makes any job sound less than fun.


Girls benefit from doing sports

Girls—but not boys—who participate actively in school sports activities in middle childhood show improved behavior and attentiveness in early adolescence, suggests a new Canadian study published in Preventative Medicine.

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