Medical research

Reversing aging

Technology developed by researchers at The University of Texas at Austin could significantly reduce the time and cost to finding a cure for Alzheimer's disease and help answer one of the greatest biological questions: why ...

Oncology & Cancer

Protein family key to aging, cancer

The list of aging-associated proteins known to be involved in cancer is growing longer, according to research by investigators at Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center and the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

Medical research

Is the 'longevity gene' nearing the end of its life?

Sirtuins, proteins believed to significantly increase lifespan in a number of organisms – and the claimed target of some anti-ageing creams – do not, in fact, affect animal longevity, according to new research funded ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Can blaming others make people sick?

Constant bitterness can make a person ill, according to Concordia University researchers who have examined the relationship between failure, bitterness and quality of life.

Psychology & Psychiatry

The secret to successful aging

Whether we choose to accept or fight it, the fact is that we will all age, but will we do so successfully? Aging successfully has been linked with the "positivity effect", a biased tendency towards and preference for positive, ...

Medical research

Once blamed for aging, ROS molecules may actually extend life

(Medical Xpress) -- In a new study, Yale University researchers have identified a pathway by which reactive oxygen species (ROS) molecules, which are usually implicated in the aging process due to their damage to DNA, can ...

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