
Light quality found to enhance contrast vision

Prof Sei-ichi Tsujimura of the Nagoya City University and Prof Su-Ling Yeh of National Taiwan University and Kagoshima University, have discovered that our visual acuity (contrast sensitivity) can be improved by using a light ...


Study uncovers novel synaptic intricacies inside the retina

A Northwestern Medicine study has uncovered novel cellular mechanisms within the retina, findings that could help advance the development of targeted therapeutics for diseases and conditions impacting vision, according to ...


Key to post-stroke recovery: Exercise

Physical activity after a stroke may be crucial to a more successful recovery, according to a study by Swedish researchers.

Medical research

'Good autoantibodies' could help against long COVID

Sometimes in the laboratory there are unexpected results. "Previously it had been observed that autoantibodies are common in severe COVID patients, those who end up in intensive care," says Jonathan Muri, postdoctoral fellow ...


Researchers map rotating spiral waves in live human hearts

Electrical signals tell the heart to contract, but when the signals form spiral waves, they can lead to dangerous cardiac events like tachycardia and fibrillation. Researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology and clinicians ...

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