Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Intense light protects against lung damage

Intense light activates proteins shown to protect against lung damage in mice, a discovery that could have major therapeutic implications for treating acute lung injury in humans, according to a new study from researchers ...


Testing the fluorescent proteins that light up the brain

Neurons are cells in your brain. Shaped like little stars, they flicker and fire off signals to each other. The signals travel up and down the long tendrils, called dendrites, extending out from each point of a neuron's star-shaped ...

Gerontology & Geriatrics

Keep moving to prevent major mobility disability

Having trouble getting around on your own—such as difficulty walking, climbing steps, or being able to get in and out of a chair—can lead to physical disability and losing your independence.

Oncology & Cancer

Physics tool helps track cancer cell diversity

Cancer cells are a wily adversary. One reason the disease outfoxes many potential treatments is because of the diversity of the cancer cell population. Researchers have found this population difficult to characterize and ...

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