
Farmers tough on artificial limbs

When a farmer or rancher is injured on the job, there's an 11 percent chance that an amputation will occur. That's two and a half times more likely than in any other industry.


Eat slowly and reduce diabetes risk

Your parents must have told you a thousand times - don't eat so fast, slow down! Now it appears that scientific research is backing them up. At the recent joint International Congress of Endocrinology and European Congress ...


Lower limb muscle limitations hamper walking in diabetes

(HealthDay) -- In older adults, diabetes correlates with slower walking speed, and diabetes-linked reductions in muscle strength and worse muscle quality contribute to these walking limitations, according to a study published ...

Medical research

Research offers new hope for peripheral artery disease sufferers

Research led by vascular surgeons at Dartmouth-Hitchcock may offer new hope to sufferers of peripheral artery disease, the cause of nearly 60,000 lower-limb amputations annually, through the use of a patient's own stem cells.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Study: Heavy teens have trouble managing diabetes

(AP) -- New research sends a stark warning to overweight teens: If you develop diabetes, you'll have a very tough time keeping it under control.

Medical research

Timing is everything when using oxygen to regenerate bone

A research team at Tulane University will report this week that the application of high levels of oxygen to a severed bone facilitates bone regrowth, study results that may one day hold promise for injured soldiers, diabetics ...

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