
Improved gut microbiota with cholesterol-lowering medication

There is a clear link between improved gut microbiota and one of our most common cholesterol-lowering drug groups: statins. This is evident from a European study involving researchers from the University of Gothenburg.


Massive genome study informs the biology of reading and language

What is the biological basis of our uniquely human capacity to speak, read and write? A genome-wide analysis of five reading- and language-based skills in many thousands of people, published in PNAS, identifies shared biology ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Study: Lowering blood pressure helps prevent mental decline

Lowering blood pressure more than usually recommended not only helps prevent heart problems, it also cuts the risk of mental decline that often leads to Alzheimer's disease, a major study finds.


WHO warns against using artificial sweeteners

Artificial sweeteners, used to replace sugar in a vast range of products, do not help in losing weight and can have serious health effects, according to the World Health Organization.

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