Medical research

Researchers use lithium to ease pain caused by anti-cancer drug

(Medical Xpress)—Taxol, generically called paclitaxel, is a widely used drug in chemotherapy treatments. Taxol is used to treat cancer in the lungs, ovaries and breast, but it can also cause severe neuropathic pain and ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Lithium reduces risk of suicide in people with mood disorders

The authors say the drug "seems to reduce the risk of death and suicide by more than 60% compared with placebo" and suggest this review "reinforces lithium as an effective agent to reduce the risk of suicide in people with ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

The hunt for a successor to lithium for bipolar disorder

Toxicity problems and adverse side effects when taking lithium, the mainstay medication for treating bipolar disorder, are fostering a scientific hunt for insights into exactly how lithium works in the body—with an eye ...


Lithium shows no benefit to MND patients

(Medical Xpress)—Results from a clinical trial into amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), led by King's College London's Institute of Psychiatry show that lithium carbonate is ineffective at treating the disease.

Psychology & Psychiatry

New drug for bipolar disorder may offer fewer side effects

(Medical Xpress)—A drug for bipolar disorder that works like lithium, the most common and effective treatment for the condition, but without lithium's toxicity and problem side-effects has been identified by Oxford University ...


Lithium restores cognitive function in Down syndrome mice

Down syndrome is a neurodevelopmental disorder that is the leading cause of genetically defined intellectual disability. In the brain, Down syndrome results in alterations in the connections between neurons and a reduction ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Giving lithium to those who need it

Lithium is a 'gold standard' drug for treating bipolar disorder, however not everyone responds in the same way. New research published in BioMed Central's open access journal Biology of Mood & Anxiety Disorders finds that ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Psychiatric medication effects on brain structure

It is increasingly recognized that chronic psychotropic drug treatment may lead to structural remodeling of the brain. Indeed, clinical studies in humans present an intriguing picture: antipsychotics, used for the treatment ...

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