Oncology & Cancer

Liver metastasis, metabolism, and a therapeutic conundrum

A new study led by researchers at the Herbert Irving Comprehensive Cancer Center (HICCC) has identified a crucial factor that can drive tumor cells to spread to the liver. The work, which is published in the current issue ...

Oncology & Cancer

Chronic jet lag leads to human liver cancer in a mouse model

When asked about what could cause cancer, people most likely think of chemicals like tobacco or radiation such as UV light in sunshine, but chronic jet lag probably does not come to mind. Human epidemiological studies have ...

Oncology & Cancer

Discovery points to new approach to treating liver cancer

A breakthrough in the understanding of the relationship between a naturally occurring enzyme and the liver cancer drug sorafenib could improve the effectiveness of the drug, which currently prolongs the life of liver cancer ...

Oncology & Cancer

Researchers discover resistance to liver cancer treatment

Liver cancer is the fourth deadliest cancer in Hawaiʻi, particularly affecting Native Hawaiian, Filipino and Japanese men. Patients can develop liver failure when tumors metastasize or spread to the healthy portions of the ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Researchers uncover mechanism for treating dangerous liver condition

A study spearheaded by Oregon State University has shown why certain polyunsaturated fatty acids work to combat a dangerous liver condition, opening a new avenue of drug research for a disease that currently has no FDA-approved ...

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