Medical research

Reducing liver protein SIRT1 levels

A new study led by Boston University School of Medicine (BUSM) demonstrates that the abnormal metabolism linked to obesity could be regulated in part by the interaction of two metabolic regulators, called the NAD-dependent ...

Medical research

Breaking the cycle of obesity, inflammation and disease

Researchers at University of Michigan have illuminated an aspect of how the metabolic system breaks down in obesity. The findings provide additional evidence that a drug entering clinical trials at the university could reverse ...

Medical research

Surprising discovery: The skin communicates with the liver

Researchers from the University of Southern Denmark have discovered that the skin is capable of communicating with the liver. The discovery has surprised the scientists, and they say that it may help our understanding of ...


Neurological researchers find fat may be linked to memory loss

Although problems with memory become increasingly common as people age, in some persons, memories last long time, even a life time. On the other hand, some people experience milder to substantial memory problems even at an ...

Inflammatory disorders

Inflammation may be key to obesity-related disease

If current trends continue, roughly 42 percent of the people in the U.S. will be obese by the year 2030, according to the Trust for America's Health. As obesity rates climb to unprecedented levels, an equally dramatic increase ...

Medical research

Scientists discern signatures of old versus young stem cells

A chemical code scrawled on histones—the protein husks that coat DNA in every animal or plant cell—determines which genes in that cell are turned on and which are turned off. Now, Stanford University School of Medicine ...

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