Endocrinology & Metabolism

Study identifies multi-organ response to seven days without food

New findings reveal that the body undergoes significant, systematic changes across multiple organs during prolonged periods of fasting. The results demonstrate evidence of health benefits beyond weight loss, but also show ...


Drug linked to lower risk of dementia in people with diabetes

People with diabetes are twice as likely to develop dementia as those without the disease. In a new study, people with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes who took the diabetes drug pioglitazone were less likely to later develop ...


Alzheimer's disease can be diagnosed before symptoms emerge

A large study led by Lund University in Sweden has shown that people with Alzheimer's disease can now be identified before they experience any symptoms. It is now also possible to predict who will deteriorate within the next ...


The difference between an aging brain and dementia

Forgetting small things such as dates, and events and difficulty in recalling old information can be a normal part of aging. But at what point does it go too far? Do you have to worry every time your memory seems to fail ...

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