Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

How to take action against acne

(HealthDay)—Waiting for acne to clear up on its own can be frustrating, especially for teens who are already self-conscious about their appearance.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Facebook profiles raise users' self-esteem and affect behavior

A Facebook profile is an ideal version of self, full of photos and posts curated for the eyes of family, friends and acquaintances. A new study shows that this version of self can provide beneficial psychological effects ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

'FOMO' a vicious circle for social media users

The 'fear of missing out' (FOMO) phenomenon – a feeling that friends and connections are leading more interesting lives – is having a negative impact on the psychological wellbeing of social media users, a new study suggests.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Know thyself: How mindfulness can improve self-knowledge

paying attention to one's current experience in a non-judgmental way—might help us to learn more about our own personalities, according to a new article published in the March 2013 issue of Perspectives on Psychological ...

Overweight & Obesity

Small changes can go far in preventing childhood obesity

In the United States, the percentage of children and adolescents with obesity has more than tripled since 1970. Today, approximately one in five school-aged children (ages 6 to 19) is obese, according to the Centers for Disease ...

Oncology & Cancer

How employers can help cancer survivors return to work

When I lost a relative to cancer in the late 1970s, people usually viewed a cancer diagnosis with horror. At the time, many treatments were both brutal and unsuccessful. Only 24% of patients survived ten years after treatment. ...

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