Psychology & Psychiatry

Few people seem to find real joy in JOMO

Most people who ranked high in "joy of missing out" or JOMO also reported high levels of social anxiety in a recent Washington State University-led study.


Atopic eczema linked to increase fracture risk in adults

Involving the health records of three million adults in the UK, the study, led by the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, is the largest to date examining the relationship between atopic eczema and fractures, and ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Have you caught a catfish? Online dating can be deceptive

On the internet, you can become anyone you want to – at least for a while. And though deception doesn't fit well with lasting romance, people lie all the time: Fewer than a third of people in one survey claimed they were ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Selfie versus posie

If you lose sleep over the number of likes on your Instagram account, you might want to think twice before posting that selfie.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Avoiding the lifelong psychological damage of childhood bullying

Childhood bullying is so common that it may not seem like a big deal. Up to 35% per cent of people are estimated to have experienced it at some point. By adulthood, we are generally expected to have "got over" it. But the ...


Antibiotics for acne: Study shows why one works best

A new study brings precision to the understanding of which antibiotics work best for acne treatment and why. This is important for two key reasons. Acne affects nearly everyone at some point in life—it is, in fact, the ...


Obese girls more than twice as likely to be addicted to smoking

Obese teenage girls are more than twice as likely as other girls to develop high-level nicotine addiction as young adults, according to a new study. Nearly 20 percent of American adolescents currently are obese, the authors ...

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