Oncology & Cancer

Study: Statins may stem tumor growth

(Medical Xpress)—One of the world's top selling drugs potentially also acts against the growth of new lymphatic vessels, with potential implications for cancer therapy. This surprising finding was brought forward by Swiss ...

Medical research

Study offers insights into lymphatic system remodeling

Lymphangiogenesis refers to the formation and remodeling of lymphatic vessels (a network of thin tubes that carry lymph in the lymphatic system), and it supports the transport of molecules and immune cells around the body. ...


Lymphatics help 'seed' early brain cells in zebrafish

During the embryonic stage of brain development, some neurons and synapses form properly and connect, but others don't, causing some parts and pieces to be discarded. This leaves behind dead or dying cells and requires the ...


New research reveals how the heart repairs after a heart attack

Immune response and the lymphatic system are central to cardiac repair after a heart attack, according to a study from Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago and Northwestern University Feinberg Cardiovascular ...

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