Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Ion channel regulates molecule that contributes to COPD

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease—COPD for short—is one of the most common diseases of the lung. It affects almost 300 million people worldwide, of which about three million die every year. A collective term for chronic ...


Taking a pill can effectively treat brutal lung disease

Researchers report in Nature Communications they figured out why air sacs in the lungs clog up with a thick substance called surfactant in a brutal disease called Pulmonary Alveolar Proteinosis (PAP), and they show taking ...

Oncology & Cancer

New injectable gel offers promise for tough-to-treat brain tumors

Like the hardiest weed, glioblastoma almost always springs back—usually within months after a patient's initial brain tumor is surgically removed. That is why survival rates for this cancer are just 25 percent at one year ...

Medical research

Controlling adhesions in the abdomen

Scars inside the abdomen, known as adhesions, form after inflammation or surgery. They can cause chronic pain and digestive problems, lead to infertility in women, or even have potentially life-threatening consequences such ...

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