Obstetrics & gynaecology

The hidden trauma of male infertility

There has been a lot of alarm in recent years about the declining fertility rates of Western men and the potential problems this may pose.

Medical research

X chromosomes linked to male infertility identified

An international team of researchers has identified multiple X chromosomes that likely contribute to infertility in men. In their paper published in The American Journal of Human Genetics, the researchers describe how they ...

Medical research

The history of medical studies of male infertility

In 1881 a German couple – Herr and Frau B - were trying to get pregnant with no success. They consulted Dr Levy, a gynaecologist based in Munich, for help. Levy was determined to approach the problem in a scientific manner ...

Obstetrics & gynaecology

'More work needed' for new IVF technique

Treating male infertility using a new IVF technique called PICSI, which is already offered in some private clinics, does not increase the likelihood of having a baby, according to the results of a randomised controlled trial.


Mothers curse linked to male infertility

(Medical Xpress) -- Researchers have discovered the first real evidence of the 'mother's curse' and its connection to male infertility due to genetic mutations in mitochondria. Led by Dr. Damian Dowling from Monash University ...

Medical research

Sperm discoveries shed light on infertility and birth control

(Medical Xpress) -- For a sperm cell, a lot has to go right before it can fertilize an egg. And despite biblical stories of barren women and cultural traditions of blaming the female, fertility experts now estimate that male ...


Breakthrough in understanding male infertility

Hope has emerged for infertile men as scientists at Newcastle University have understood the importance of a gene in regulating the production of fully-functioning sperm.

Medical research

Could a birth control pill for men be on the horizon?

Researchers at Columbia University Medical Center are honing in on the development of what may be the first non-steroidal, oral contraceptive for men. Tests of low doses of a compound that interferes with retinoic acid receptors ...


Discovery of new genetic causes of male infertility

Infertility—the failure to conceive after a year of unprotected intercourse—affects one in every six couples worldwide, and the man is implicated in about half of these cases. Despite the known importance of genetic factors ...

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