
Beta blockers can repair malformed blood vessels in the brain

Propranolol, a drug that is efficacious against infantile haemangiomas ("strawberry naevi," resembling birthmarks), can also be used to treat cerebral cavernous malformations, a condition characterized by misshapen blood ...


Common brain malformation traced to its genetic roots

About one in 100 children has a common brain disorder called Chiari 1 malformation, but most of the time such children grow up normally and no one suspects a problem. But in about one in 10 of those children, the condition ...


Narcolepsy drug did not increase risk of fetal malformation

Modafinil is used to treat conditions such as narcolepsy. Reports have associated the drug with an increased risk of malformation in babies born to mothers who had taken it while pregnant. Now, a large registry study involving ...


Medical management alone better for brain AV malformations

(HealthDay)—Among patients with unruptured brain arteriovenous malformation, medical management alone is superior to its combination with interventional therapy for prevention of death or symptomatic stroke in the long ...

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