Medical research

A faster way to make antibody-drug conjugates

A USC School of Pharmacy-led team has engineered a new, faster way to make drugs that precisely target malignant cells—while leaving healthy tissue undamaged—that could lead the way to better treatments for numerous types ...

Oncology & Cancer

Learning how cancer cells collaborate to multiply and metastasize

Cancer cells are known to migrate and collaborate to form networks that function as conduits providing access to nutrients and blood vessels. Now, researchers in Japan have generated similar large-scale structures from cancer ...


Careless cancer cells may be susceptible to future drugs

Could the ability of cancer cells to quickly alter their genome be used as a weapon against malignant tumors? Researchers at Uppsala University have developed a substance that has demonstrated promising results in experiments ...

Medical research

New imaging technique enables the study of 3-D printed brain tumors

Glioblastomas are complex, fast-growing malignant brain tumors that are made up of various types of cells. Even with aggressive treatment—which often includes surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy—glioblastomas are difficult ...

Oncology & Cancer

One-two punch for cancer

Many cancer cells evade critical DNA surveillance and maintenance by increasing the export—by the Exportin-1 (XPO1) nucleo-cytoplasmic transport protein—of nearly all major tumor suppressor proteins from the nucleus. ...

Oncology & Cancer

Math models add up to improved cancer immunotherapy

A merger of math and medicine may help to improve the efficacy of immunotherapies, potentially life-saving treatments that enhance the ability of the patient's own immune system to attack cancerous tumors.

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